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laser equipment for secondary batteries

The main processes in which lasers are used in secondary battery manufacturing are 1. Electrode process, 2. Assembly process, 3. There is a module pack process. Before explaining the details of each process, this article will discuss the main types of laser processes.
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laser equipment for secondary batteries

Laser notching machines for battery electrodes: essential solutions to increase productivity and efficiency

Laser roll-to-roll notching equipment is a key equipment used in the secondary battery manufacturing process. This equipment uses a laser to perform the process of cutting the core battery material of a secondary battery into a tab with the correct length and shape. Compared to traditional mold cutting methods, laser notching has a faster cutting speed and reduces heat loss during processing.
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Laser notching machines for battery electrodes: essential solutions to increase productivity and efficiency

About Industrial laser welding machines

Industrial laser welding machines are an ideal technology for precise welding work, and are widely used in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, and medical device manufacturing. In this blog post, we'll take a detailed look at the technology, processes, equipment, and mechanisms of industrial laser welding machines.
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About Industrial laser welding machines

Plastic lamp simultaneous inspection welding

Laser transmission welding can join all materials transmitted by the laser's wavelength without being visually “transparent”. K2 achieves excellent processing quality with the simultaneous survey method, which is an advanced transmission welding method.
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Plastic lamp simultaneous inspection welding

Vehicle crash pad scoring

Unlike physical cutting methods, lasers do not reduce quality due to wear and tear. Consistent results are achieved for every lot while maintaining the same processability at all times.
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Vehicle crash pad scoring
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Do You need a laser solution?

K2 specializes in laser systems.
If you have any questions about the laser process, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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